Hiking - Mount Royal Park

After having experienced the Mount Royal Park two winters ago with a snowshoeing adventure, it was high time to re-discover it again in the summer.

Gone are the many cross-country skiers, the snow-covered toboggan sliding hills, and the snowshoe packed trails... now we are treated to a pristine park, located in the middle of Canada's second largest city. The area is very picturesque, with the Beaver Lake located in the middle, now frequented by leisure rowboats, and hundreds of people enjoying the fresh air and nature.

The park is easily accessible with public transit by metro and bus, or by parking lots nearby.

The trails and paths circle around the summit of the mountain, and also head off in numerous directions, taking you to various destinations. There is also a pathway that does the perimeter of the lake. At one end, there is a nice stone waterfall that runs off into the lake.

Walking the trails, you can catch glimpses of the Montreal skyline and the sprawling city.

A great visit to an amazing location... until next time Montreal!

Here are some pictures of the visit.

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